Thursday, November 13, 2014
Another Cake...
One of my most favorite ways to spend time is cooking along side a friend, especially in fancy-dancy kitchens. Yesterday I got such a chance and pounced (maybe even inviting myself over), to bake with a friend who is an amazing baker. Not only does she consistently wow us all with her delicious confections, she is fearless about tackling new and seemingly complicated recipes. A while back I had posted this torte recipe from Smitten Kitchen but have been totally intimidated to try the whole meringue thing, but not this friend. She jumped on it and has made the torte several times all the while raving about it and extolling its amazingness. Earlier in the week she mentioned that she was planning on making said dessert for an upcoming school event and I jumped right in and invited myself over to watch and learn from this master baker. She upped the anti on me, informing me that I would not simply watch and learn but I'd bake right along side her and make one for myself. So I packed up my eggs, cream, chocolate, vanilla, sugar and hazelnuts and headed for her lovely kitchen. We baked, she instructed, we chatted and had a generally great time. It was a great way to spend a particularly cold Northwest afternoon, thank you very much. What I most love about this dessert is; that it is naturally gluten free so no experimenting with flour mixtures, it combines two of my most favorite flavors (chocolate and hazelnut), and it is a show stopper. If you are looking for a dessert to wow a crowd yet is really fairly quick and simple to pull off, this will be your new BFF. I hope you will not be like me and let intimidation get in the way, do yourself a favor and head to the kitchen this weekend to make this delicious treat.
cooking with friends,
Monday, October 13, 2014
Mindful Monday...
Wild Geese
You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.
from Dream Work by Mary Oliver
published by Atlantic Monthly Press
© Mary Oliver
Monday, September 29, 2014
Are you on the fermenting bandwagon yet? I'm trying to hitch a ride myself, but still very much in the early learning stages. I figure that it can't hurt, and within safe reason I love anytime I can present and prepare food for friends and family that has been minimally handled/processed. So I am dipping my toe into the world of making my own fermented foods. So far my two attempts have been kombucha and lacto fermented salsa.
A year or so ago I started buying those bottled kombucha drinks at the local natural food coop, and I was quickly hooked. Those babies are expensive though and so I began researching how to make my own. About that time I connected with a friend of a friend who had recently started experimenting with making her own kombucha and was willing to share some scoby and teach me the basics. So after an afternoon spent sampling her variations and gleaning as much as I could from her experience I took home a couple scobys and set out to ferment my own kombucha. I love this tutorial on brewing your own. Once the tea was ready, I am finding that 7-10 days is a good amount of time for fermentation in our home (though with cooler temps settling in that may begin to stretch longer), it's time to flavor your tea. Over the summer we used seasonal fruits, mostly berries, along with lemon and ginger to flavor our tea but now that fall is kicking in I'm thinking a pear/ginger combo sounds really great. Have you tried making kombucha? If so what are your favorite flavor add in's?
My second foray into the world of fermenting has been lacto fermented salsa. We love salsa in this house and during the summer months when tomatoes are at their best we make and consume a lot of it. That and my obsession with buying produce by the box led me to my first attempt at fermented salsa. I had an abundance of tomatoes both from the garden and supplemental purchases and was looking for something new to try in the way of food preservation. I stumbled on this blog post about fermented salsa and made quick work of transforming the remains of my tomatoes into several quarts of the best salsa I've ever tasted. Not only is it super tasty, it is really fairly quick and easy to make. A few rough chops, some blitzing in the food processor and a few days on the counter and you are good to go. And no cooking folks! No standing over a hot stove water bath canning salsa in 100 degree temps. From what I've read you can hold fermented salsa in the fridge for fairly lengthy periods, likely longer than you will need because if you like salsa you will eat your way through your jars very fast. The inner hoarder in me wants to make enough to last us well into and hopefully through winter so I dug a bit deeper and found that you can freeze this salsa with decent results. I've got a tester quart in the freezer and another gallon plus working it's magic on my counter at this very moment. Once we crack open the frozen jar I will report back but I do have high hopes. I took a jar of this along on a weekend trip with friends and it got a raving thumbs up, even by my onion and pepper hating friend. I was even able to successfully use it as a bribe for a teen friend of ours, its really that good. I hope you try for yourself, I'd love to hear what you think.
Friday, September 19, 2014
On the first day back to school this year I had a little celebratory coffee and brunch gathering with a few friends. I knew I would keep it fairly simple yet wanted to bake a couple sweets to share with the ladies. I also had the remains of a box of pears (ordered the week prior) that were calling to get used up, so in a search of the internet airwaves I found this recipe for a French Apple Cake that I thought could work well with my quickly ripening pears. In fact the original recipe has one softening up crisp apples, so substituting nicely ripened soft pears seemed a perfect tweak. I also wanted to make the recipe dairy free so I used coconut oil and milk in the recipe, and oh was that a winning call. I had never made this cake before but am always excited to try out a new recipe on friends, though I could not have anticipated the absolute wonder of this cake. Nearly everyone at the table tried it, even those who typically stay away from sweets and such, and I can honestly say that nothing else I have ever made for anyone has ever gotten quite the response this cake did. There were seconds and thirds had, and many requests to share the recipe. That simple rustic little cake in the photos above has caused quite the stir. So naturally I made it again, I had to see if it was just beginners luck or some sort of fluke after all, for a dinner gathering with friends last weekend and I am happy to say that it wasn't a fluke at all. This cake is amazing! It has a slight custard quality to it and is loaded with layer after layer of fruit. I hope that you try it and enjoy it as much as we have been.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Summer In Review...
Phew, where did the time go? The kids are back to school, I can feel that our mornings and evenings have cooled off considerably, the leaves are already starting to shift from vibrant green to lovely shades of orange, and soup is once again making a regular appearance on our dinner table. I guess I have to reluctantly admit to myself that summer is over, I mean even the calendar is trying to give me the hint with the solstice date looming.
It really does not seem real to me that our summer is now just a mere memory. We had such a great time with friends and family, both near and far from home, adventuring and chilling out together on beaches, in canoes and kayaks, in swimming pools, hiking trails, riding bikes, seeing new parts of the country and revisiting some of our favorite local spots. We also had a good amount of time at home just hanging out, which gave me time to indulge a favorite summer pastime... canning and preserving summer's beautiful bounty. We've got enough jam, salsa and chutney to carry us through the year with just enough to share here and there. I also got busy with lots of freezing of peaches and berries for smoothies and to top pancakes. Then there were the tomatoes... I made a lot of tomato sauce (I will share my new favorite method for preserving tomatoes soon) that is stocked up in our freezer for soups and sauces, as well as several quarts of slow roasted tomatoes. I get so excited looking at my freezer stocked with loads of treasure saved for the winter, but at the same time a bit anxious at the thought of a lengthy power outage. But let's not dwell on that.
My go-to reference for all things canned is the Food In Jars website and cookbook. I love Marisa's creative combinations and the smaller portions makes whipping up a batch or two at a time way more manageable for me. This year we stuck with the standards -- raspberry jam, rosemary/apricot jam, peach salsa and pear/walnut conserve (equally good on toast or over your favorite soft or blue cheese) but added a few new items to the the mix as well including blackberry/sage jam, ginger pear jam (so amazing mixed into morning oatmeal!), and peach chutney. I find those stacks of jars gleaming deep purple to vibrant raspberry red and even the pale creamy color of pear to be so simply beautiful on my shelf right now.
Just as I morn the move away from our summer adventures and lazy days I do also welcome the return to routine that comes with those misty morning walks to school and evenings that find us all home scattered throughout the house.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Mindful Monday...
Why I Ride
I've been out on my bike much more lately and loving the time sailing through the curves and straights of local streets and trails while feeling the incredible Northwest sunshine beaming down on me. So today I wanted to share this poem accompanied with a short video promoting bike riding, follow the link above and enjoy...
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Summer Salad Roundup...
Who wants to spend time at the stove when it's hot outside and there are so many fun things to get busy with? Come summer, I happily take a bit of a step back from the typical dinner fare we know and love throughout the rest of the year and cook more "picnic" style around here. Healthy and filling salads become a go-to for me, as I'd much rather eek out more time at the beach with the girls, go on a picnic to any of the array of summer movies and outdoor concerts in the area, have fun out on our bikes, or let myself get totally engrossed in a great book. I especially love it when a salad is hearty enough to stand up over night in the refridgerator - we are not afraid of leftovers around here. Here's a sneak peak at my summer salad line up; variations on a Cobb Salad, must try this Mango and Red Pepper Salad, this Bok Choy Slaw, any sort of cold Rice Noodle Salad with a ginger dressing and slivered veggies, this Fennel Salad is calling me to try out, as is this simple Green Salad With Cherries, this Quinoa Salad is a favorite, a simple green salad loaded with nuts, beans or chicken, and all those little bits of veg needing to get used up, salsa (can we call salsa a salad?), and this Corn Salad looks like it would be a perfect picnic salad along side some sliced meats and cheese. Last night we feasted on a cold rotisserie chicken, spinach topped with this Garbanzo Salad, and some left over chips and salsa (my oldest is our in-house salsa maker and we happily reap the benefits of such).
Yesterday my youngest came up with a new creation for lunch that I am sure will make a repeat visit as she happily exclaimed she'd take it to school for lunch any time. She sautéed up a sliced zucchini in olive oil then added some chopped up roasted red pepper, a few cherry tomatoes from the garden and bits of leftover chicken, then she topped it with a few shavings of parmesan cheese. Even my mostly vegetarian daughter enjoyed it. We ate it warm as is, but I think it could be great cold with your favorite pasta as a salad or atop some fresh summer greens. What I really loved about it was that she took a recipe of interest and shifted it to suit what we had on hand and our own personal tastes. As a parent, one of my personal goals has always been to build a sense of competency in my girls around preparing good food for themselves. I want them to have the ability to walk into the kitchen, scope the scene and make something tasty and relatively healthful for themselves. I think we are on our way as the oldest has become my go-to condiment maker (salsa, pesto, guacamole etc...) and has really started developing an interest in baking and now the younger one is building confidence and skills too, she did not shy away from the huge knife I handed her to chop veggies and meat with yesterday. Though I can't lie, I'd be tickled pink if they found the joy and sense of creative outlet in the kitchen that I do, mostly I want them to be able to feed themselves and those around them well without a box of this or that or a phone to call for delivery.
Well, back to those summer salads, do you change up your typical dinner routines this time of year too? If so what are your favorite summer salads? I'd love to hear what you all are living off this summer, I am sure there are so many possibilities that I haven't even thought of yet.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Freezing Fruit...
Oh my, doesn't all that fruit make your mouth water. I love the bounties of summer, especially the complete abundance of freshly picked fruit. With what we've got growing in our own garden like rhubarb, blueberries and strawberries, the fact that I can't pass up a local roadside fruit stand to save my soul and that we love to go berry picking each summer there is always an overwhelming amount of fruit in our kitchen throughout the summer. Berry picking has become a summer tradition for us, what a fun day out and the eat-as-you-go policy that our favorite raspberry farm has is just what the kids need to keep them interested and motivated to fill those boxes. We went out with friends recently and between the girls and I we picked over twenty pounds of raspberries. It was unusually hot in our neck of the woods that day, topping 90 degrees, so we had to call it after just an hour or so. Once we got home we gorged ourselves on berries for days, but knowing that it was not likely we could actually consume our weight in berries before they turned into sad mushy boxes of goo I got right to work, baking some into muffins and baked oatmeal, cooking some into jam, and freezing what I could to tide us through winter. I love freezing fruit! It is as low maintenance as it comes in the preserving world and the results don't disappoint. The method I have settled on with greatest success is to line a baking sheet with parchment or wax paper and lay the fruit in a single layer on it. For things like raspberries, small strawberries, blackberries and blueberries I keep the fruit whole and for stone fruits and larger strawberries I cut them in half or wedges. After the fruit is arranged I pop the tray in the freezer for a few hours or more likely overnight. Once everything is frozen solid I fill gallon ziplock bags with the frozen fruit and label with date and name of fruit. So simple and yet it yields such pleasure throughout winter. Then when you have an inkling for a raspberry/rhubarb crisp or some strawberries over yogurt it is as simple as a quick defrost and you are good to go. So when you see that fruit stand don't hesitate to stop and pick up a flat or two of fruit, if you aren't into canning or making jam at the very least you can freeze a few gallons for later.
current favorites,
in the garden,
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Let's Talk About Smoothies
Monday, May 5, 2014
Mindful Monday...
Thursday, May 1, 2014
The Bees Are Back...
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Lime Curd
Monday, April 21, 2014
Mindful Monday
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Are We There Yet?
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Keeping It Real...
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Lunch Made A Bit Easier
Friday, April 11, 2014
Coconut Milk Saves The Day
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Makin' Yogurt
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